Member-only story
If You Don’t Watch Reality TV, I Genuinely Don’t Like You
I wish this wasn’t true, but it is. When Adele said recently she could never watch Real Housewives because her “brain will die,” I immediately thought “I could never be friends with Adele.” Then she had the audacity to add that she’d watched an episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey and didn’t like it …. what is wrong with you? It’s one thing to not watch Real Housewives but to watch the great ladies of New Jersey and be in a state of anything other than awe is …. quite frankly fucked up of you.
Here are just a handful of things I assume about you if you don’t watch reality TV: you’re boring, you correct ppl’s grammar, you can’t fuck, you’re not funny, your parents liked you growing up, you’re straight, you like sports, your boyfriend is gross, you think books are superior to TV, you don’t have a learning disability, you take yourself too seriously, you think your hobbies count as your whole personality, we could never, ever, under any circumstances, get along.
Why did I feel the need to write this piece? Idk, nobody is paying me to do anything else rn. But let’s turn it into a PSA: if you don’t like reality TV, keep that sh*t to yourself!! You just sound judgemental and close-minded, and not like the super deep intellectual you think you are. It’s like hating on ppl who like crystals and astrology. Does it make you…