Homophobic Dean Actually Resigns Because Her University Dropped Chik-fil-A LMAO
In one of the dumbest decisions ever made on a college campus, — and I’m including the time my freshman year I tried to pay for McDonald’s with my driver’s license — a dean at Rider University in New Jersey honest to G resigned from her position as dean of the college of business administration because the school decided not to open a Chik-fil-A on campus. I like waffle fries as much as the next bitch, but for real?
You’d think in 2019 folks would know to be more low-key about their bigotry, but I guess not. The dean, Cynthia Newman, said in her resignation announcement that the university had made a “judgmental statement about Chick-fil-A’s values — values that reflect the essence of the Christian as well as other faiths.”
The chicken chain’s CEO once said the company believed in the “biblical definition of the family unit,” in addition to giving lots of money to anti-gay organizations, which is why a majority of students vetoed it. However, it’s apparently very deeply important to Newman that homosexuals burn in hell and that she get a Spicy Chicken Deluxe with a Diet Coke whenever she damn well pleases.
It’s worth noting that plenty of Christians don’t believe being gay is a sin and that there are plenty of gay Christians, so Newman isn’t really in a position to speak on behalf of them, let alone all of the “other faiths” she references.
Not only was Newman like, “I cannot stress enough how much I hate gays,” (not an actual quote, but the gist of it), she requested an apology from the university for offending Christians, but they ignored her. That’s when she packed up and got the fuck out.
I think I speak for the entire Rider student body when I say: